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It is a great pleasure to hear this new duo recording by Tiziana Cappellino and Gigi Di Gregorio.

I have collaborated with Gigi on many projects over the last several years and know the passion and the positive energy he brings to every perormance.

During this same period I have seen and heard Tiziana’s progress, first as a serious and talented jazz student and now as a confident young professional in her debut recording. Her natural and musical singing was a nice surprise and should open even more doors for her as her carreer takes shape.


Harold Danko

It is a great pleasure to hear this new duo recording by Tiziana Cappellino and Gigi Di Gregorio.

I have collaborated with Gigi on many projects over the last several years and know the passion and the positive energy he brings to every perormance.

During this same period I have seen and heard Tiziana’s progress, first as a serious and talented jazz student and now as a confident young professional in her debut recording. Her natural and musical singing was a nice surprise and should open even more doors for her as her carreer takes shape.

Harold Danko

….i temi, il groove, l’improvvisazione, l’interplay, il lavoro sugli standard o su brani loro con una brillantezza espressiva ragguardevole.

Guido Michelone

… è la sensibilità a fare da filo conduttore; la musica può emergere così, come il colore in un dipinto, in modo splendente o soffuso, dando vita ad atmosfere coinvolgenti ed evocative …

Gian Nissola

Se questa fosse una recensione inviterei gli acquirenti a predisporre un ascolto consono: luci soffuse, poltrona comoda, vino da meditazione …..

Franco Bergoglio

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